Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and Environmental Hypersensitivity (EH), also known as Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT), present significant challenges in workplace environments and educational institutions alike. These conditions are triggered by exposure to environmental chemicals and organic compounds through various routes such as air, food, water, or skin contact.
Similar to allergies, symptoms of MCS and EH/TILT can vary and may include headaches, respiratory issues, memory impairment, fatigue, body pains, nose bleeds, and emotional distress among many more.
In workplace settings, individuals with MCS and EH/TILT may encounter difficulties with their job duties, especially tasks involving chemical exposure, in environments where perfumes and colognes are still allowed, in new buildings, or where new carpeting, furniture, or paint might have been introduced, especially if no windows can be opened to allow for air circulation. Similarly, in educational institutions, students facing these conditions may struggle with attendance and completing assignments, particularly those requiring exposure to chemicals in science labs or art materials, as well as in environments described above.
Moreover, the complexity increases for individuals with fibromyalgia, as some may also experience symptoms of MCS and EH/TILT. This overlap can blur the lines between fibromyalgia and environmental hypersensitivity, leading to diagnostic challenges and complicating management.
Accommodating individuals with MCS, EH/TILT, and fibromyalgia in both workplace and educational settings is essential. MCS, EH/TILT are recognized terms by the Canadian Government, and the rights of individuals living with these conditions are recognized by them as well as by the Human Rights Commission of Canada. Implementing flexible attendance policies, providing alternative assignments to avoid chemical exposure, and fostering collaboration between supervisors, disability service, or human resources staff are crucial steps in supporting individuals with these conditions.
To read more on this topic go to:
The Canadian Human Rights Commission - on Recognizing MCS-EH
The Canadian Human Rights Commission - on MCS-EH Policy for the Workplace
The Government of Canada - on Workplace Accommodations for MCS-EH
Recognition, Inclusion, and Equity Organization in Canada
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Hoffman Program on Chemicals and Health
Seriously Sensitive to Pollution - The CDC Does Recognize MCS
NIH - Multiple chemical sensitivity: It's time to catch up to the science, 2023